Jobs & Recruiting
The Lazarus Center offers a variety of resources to help you explore and clarify your career goals, build and make use of your professional network and market yourself effectively via resumes, letters and interviews.
The Lazarus Center uses Handshake, a platform for launching your career. Sign in.
Explore Job Resources
Social Work Resources
School for Social Work Workshops & General Services
Lazarus Center services are available to all School for Social Work students throughout the year, during summer session and after graduation. These include:
- Job listings for social work on a career services management platform called Handshake.
- Online opportunities to practice your interview skills via a platform called InterviewStream. Access InterviewStream via Handshake: Click Career Center > Resources to find the Interview Stream link.
- Networking opportunities through the Office of Alumnae Relations online directory and our alumnae LinkedIn page.
- A digital resource library with targeted guides on resumes and cover letters and networking and interviewing for social workers.
- Lunch-time group advising workshops for SSW students during the summer on topics ranging from interviewing to salary negotiation to career planning; stay tuned for details here.
For further questions, please contact
Association of Social Work Boards identifies the unique requirements for licensure for each state.
Search for a licensing board in the United States and Canada.
Job Boards
Job boards are just one facet of your search. Consult individual organization/agency websites for listings and contact any organization that interests you, whether or not a relevant job is posted.
Social Work Fellowships & Scholarships
Find additional opportunities by contacting hospitals, medical schools, college/university counseling centers, and clinics.
Mental Health Professional Training Programs at Menninger Clinic
Health and Aging Policy Fellows Program at Columbia University
Boston Children's Hospital Social Work Fellowships
UC-Berkeley University Health Services Post-MSW Fellowships
University of Michigan Post-MSW Fellowship
Council on Social Work Education Career Center
Eileen Blackey Doctoral Fellowship is offered for dissertation research in welfare policy and practice.
Jane B. Aron Doctoral Fellowship is offered for dissertation research in health care policy and practice.
NASW Foundation National Programs administers 16 national programs, including post-MSW and postdoctoral fellowships and scholarships.
Yale University Child Study Center Post-MSW Advanced Clinical Social Work Fellowship
NAADAC Minority Fellowship Program for Addiction Counselors
Top 25 Scholarships for Social Work Students
Loan Forgiveness & Repayment for Social Work
National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program offers fully trained, licensed clinical social workers $50,000 to repay student loans in exchange for two years serving in an approved community-based site in a high-need Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA).
Many states also have loan repayment programs (SLRPs), easily found online, such as the Massachusetts Loan Repayment for Health Professionals.
Public Service Loan Forgiveness is for students who pursue public service careers and have high debt, but not high income; generally available to anyone who works in a nonprofit organization.
Equal Justice Works offers a resource page for student debt relief.
Indian Health Services (HIS) Loan Repayment Program is for clinical social workers employed by the IHS, who are eligible to apply for the IHS Loan Repayment Program.
Mapping Your Future offers guidance on understanding loan cancellation, forgiveness and discharge.